Thursday, March 17, 2011

Monica Sanz - Next single (Poll)

In her last digital meeting, with her asian fans, Monica Sanz said:

-Irresistible and Stupid groupie are such two different songs, are the rest of the songs you compose so different between them too? Different styles and rhythms?

-Monica Sanz:   Yes, they are. I try everything I like! It depends of what and how I feel in the moment I'm writing, and what I wanna say in the song!
I don't wanna do always the same, neither being the girl who “does that” songs are a part of me, of what I feel, and I feel so different things, I'm always changing and I can not avoid my reflection in my songs!
Sometimes I'm sad, sometimes I'm happy, worried, naughty...It helps me to know me better too. I need to express this, so sometimes I just let my madness go, and a song happens.
I'm not interested about writting what everybody expects from me, my songs should be the way to know me, and I'm sure nobody out there knows the real Monica, so maybe people who don't know me can think it's weird...but I feel confortable with my songs.
Basically the message could be that I can be Irresistible sometimes (my pouts are adorable) and so Stupid at the time! And yes, both sides is me! And many more!

So now we ask you... : What kind of song will be the next single from Monica Sanz? Maybe a ballad... or a rock song?
Tell us your opinion in the poll of our blog!

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